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No Bent Spines

A teenage book lover with an addiction to fiction. Visit my official blog http://nobentspines.blogspot.com/

Currently reading

Amy Tintera
All Our Pretty Songs
Sarah McCarry
My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century (My Super Sweet Sixteenth Century, #1)
Rachel Harris
The Iron Traitor (The Iron Fey: Call of the Forgotten, #2)
Julie Kagawa

The Trouble With Spells (Of Witches and Warlocks, #1)

The Trouble With Spells (Of Witches and Warlocks, #1) - Lacey Weatherford This book had everything. It had witty remarks, perfect love, lust, things to overcome, need, want, magic and witches.Now, I'm usually not a magic/witch/warlock kinda person, but this was a completely fresh and much needed take. It was refreshing. The characters were so down to earth and I just really connected with them. Her mom was just so hilarious. She the chef of the family and she had this really bad dish that she made and she apologized to the sink disposal for making it dispose of it. I just laugh out loud at that. hehe.And when Sally kissed Vance(love the name by the way) and she punched her 'supposed best friend' I was just like you go girl!!!! *fist pump hereOf course there was more than just lots of laughing (like through the entire book) there was also some major tear-tearjerkers. And the binding ceremony!!! Can I get some awwwhhhsss???!? Loved it!You can ask my dad, I was grinning and laughing through like the entire book. It was just such an enjoyable read. Totally worth it. Their love surpassed unbreakable path and surpassed all expectations. Mmmmmmm. Perfection.The only question I had was why didn't I read this sooner???